Is It Safe to Have Dental Implants in Turkey?

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First-time dental implant patients in Turkey can rest assured that they will receive top-quality treatment and services. During the first visit, patients can expect a thorough consultation and planning process to ensure that their needs are met. The application and placement of dental implants in Turkey are performed using advanced procedures and techniques by experienced dental professionals.

There are different brands of dental implants available in Turkey, providing patients with a range of options to choose from based on their needs and budget. The quality of services is exceptional, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care during the procedure and healing term.

While there is always a risk of infection with any medical procedure, the risk is kept to a minimum in Turkey due to the attention to detail during the procedure and healing term. Infection cases are rare, but if they do occur, patients can inquire about further treatment options.

The experience of having dental implant work done in Turkey is unparalleled. Patients can expect high-quality services that prioritize their comfort and satisfaction. The procedure itself typically takes only a few minutes, making it an efficient option for those looking for quick results.

Turkey’s dental tourism has been growing in popularity, offering affordable and high-quality dental care for both local and international patients. With a range of top dentists in Turkey available, patients can confidently choose the right dental professional for their needs.

Table of contents

Benefits of Getting Dental Implants in Turkey Safely

High-Quality Dental Treatments

Dental treatments in Turkey are performed by highly qualified and experienced dentists who use the latest technology and techniques. These dental professionals have undergone extensive training to ensure that they provide top-notch dental care to their patients. The dental clinics in Turkey are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that patients receive the best possible treatment.

Affordable Dental Procedures

One of the main advantages of getting dental implants in Turkey is affordability. Dental procedures in Turkey are significantly cheaper than in many other countries, making it an affordable option for those seeking dental implants. Patients can save up to 70% on their dental implant treatment costs compared to other countries such as the US or UK.

New Teeth That Look and Feel Natural

Getting dental implants in Turkey can provide patients with new teeth that look and feel natural, improving their appearance and self-confidence. The materials used for dental implants are of high quality, ensuring that they last a long time while providing a natural-looking smile. Patients can choose from a variety of implant options such as zirconium or titanium implants.

Sinus Lift Procedures Available

Sinus lift procedures, which are often required for dental implant placement, are also available in Turkey and can be performed safely by skilled professionals. Sinus lifts are necessary when there is not enough bone height in the upper jawbone near the molars to support a dental implant. This procedure involves adding bone below the sinus so that there is enough bone height to place an implant.

Comprehensive Packages Available

Many dental clinics in Turkey offer comprehensive packages that include transportation, accommodation, and post-operative care, ensuring a stress-free experience for patients. These packages make it easy for patients traveling from other countries to receive high-quality dental care without worrying about logistics or accommodations.

Vacation While Receiving High-Quality Dental Care

Patients who choose to get dental implants in Turkey can enjoy a vacation while receiving high-quality dental care, making it a convenient and enjoyable option. Turkey is a beautiful country with rich history and culture, offering patients the opportunity to explore its many attractions while receiving dental treatment.

Is It Safe to Have Dental Implants in Turkey?

Counterfeit Dental Implants: A Major Risk in Turkey

Counterfeit dental implants are a major risk for those seeking dental implant procedures in Turkey. These fake implants are often made from low-quality materials and can lead to serious health complications. Patients may not even be aware that they have received counterfeit implants until problems arise. The lack of regulation in Turkey’s dental industry makes it easier for counterfeit products to enter the market, putting patients at risk.

The Risks of Counterfeit Implants

Counterfeit dental implants can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic or other substandard metals. These materials can cause infections, inflammation, and other complications that can lead to implant failure. In some cases, these complications can be life-threatening.

Patients who receive counterfeit implants may need to undergo additional surgeries to correct issues or have the implants removed altogether. This not only adds additional costs but also puts patients through unnecessary pain and stress.

Choosing a Reputable Dental Clinic

Choosing a reputable dental clinic with a track record of using genuine, high-quality implants is crucial for ensuring a safe and successful implant procedure in Turkey. It is important to research potential clinics thoroughly before making any decisions.

Look for reviews from previous patients online or ask for references from the clinic itself. You should also inquire about the type of implant material used by the clinic and ensure that it meets international standards.

It is also important to note that while choosing a reputable clinic is essential, it does not guarantee 100% safety. Patients should still take precautions such as following post-operative instructions carefully and attending follow-up appointments regularly.

Suitability for Dental Implants in Turkey

Dental implant procedures have become increasingly popular among individuals who suffer from tooth deficiency, missing teeth, or those who need full mouth implants. Patients can benefit from dental implant treatment in Turkey as the country is known to provide high-quality implant surgeries. In this section, we will discuss the suitability of dental implants in Turkey.

Getting Dental Implants in Turkey

Turkey has been a hub for medical tourism for many years now and has gained popularity among foreign patients seeking affordable yet quality healthcare services. The country boasts of state-of-the-art facilities and highly skilled professionals that offer top-notch dental implant surgery. Patients can expect to receive comprehensive care and attention throughout their treatment journey.

Dental Implant Procedures

Dental implant procedures involve the installation of an artificial tooth root into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. Single dental implants are used to replace a single missing tooth, while full mouth implants are used when all teeth are missing. During the procedure, temporary prostheses may be used to help patients adjust to their new implants while waiting for the permanent ones to be installed.

Bone Graft Applications

Before getting dental implants, patients may need bone graft applications to ensure that their jawbone is strong enough to support the implant installation. Bone grafts involve taking bone tissue from other parts of your body or using synthetic materials and placing them into your jawbone where it’s deficient.

Foreign Patients

Turkey has become a popular destination for foreign patients seeking affordable yet quality healthcare services, including dental implant treatment. The country offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality standards compared to other countries such as Europe and North America.

Implant Installation

The process of installing an implant involves drilling a small hole into your jawbone and inserting a titanium post into it. Afterward, you’ll need some time for healing before receiving your permanent crown or bridge attached over it. Temporary prostheses may be used during this time to help you adjust to your new implants.

Choosing a Good Dentist and Clinic in Turkey

Reputable Dentist or Dental Clinic

When choosing a dentist or dental clinic in Turkey, it is important to look for one that has a good track record of providing quality dental care and treatment. You can start by doing some research online and looking for reviews and testimonials from previous patients. This will give you an idea of the quality of service and care provided by the clinic or dentist.

Experienced Dentists

It is also important to choose experienced dentists who specialize in the type of dental work you need. For example, if you need a tooth extraction, look for a dentist who has experience in performing this procedure. Similarly, if you need root canal treatment or dental implants, look for dentists who have expertise in these areas.

Local Dentists

Consider local dentists who are familiar with the Turkish culture and language. They may be better equipped to understand your needs and preferences. They may be able to provide you with more personalized care and attention.

Hygiene and Safety Protocols

Check if the dental center or clinic follows strict hygiene and safety protocols to ensure that their patients are protected from infections and other risks. The Day Dentistry Protocol is one such protocol that ensures that all instruments are sterilized before use, surfaces are disinfected regularly, and protective gear is worn by staff members.

Natural Clinics

Look for natural clinics like Myra Dental Center that use biocompatible materials and minimally invasive procedures to promote faster healing and better oral health outcomes. These clinics prioritize using natural materials that are safe for both the patient’s body as well as the environment.

Dental Implant Brands and Affordability in Turkish Clinics

Implant Brands in Turkish Clinics: Quality and Affordability

Dental implant treatment is a popular option for restoring missing teeth, but the high cost of treatment can be prohibitive for many patients. Fortunately, Turkish clinics offer an affordable solution without compromising on quality. In this section, we will explore the range of implant brands available in Turkish clinics and how they maintain high standards of safety and quality.

Reputable International Brands

Turkish clinics offer a wide range of dental implant brands, including reputable international brands such as Nobel Biocare, Straumann, and Zimmer Biomet. These brands are known for their high-quality materials and advanced technology that ensure long-lasting results. Patients can choose from a variety of options based on their specific needs and budget.

Affordability Without Compromising Quality

The cost of dental implant treatments in Turkey is significantly lower compared to other countries, with prices ranging from $500 to $1,500 per implant depending on the brand and complexity of the implant treatment. Despite the affordable prices, Turkish clinics maintain high standards of quality and safety in their implant treatments. This is due to several factors:

  • Accreditation by International Organizations: Many clinics are accredited by international organizations such as the Joint Commission International (JCI), which ensures that they meet strict standards for patient safety and quality.
  • Highly Qualified Dentists: Patients can benefit from the expertise of highly qualified dentists and oral surgeons in Turkey who are trained in the latest techniques and technologies for implant treatment.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Turkish clinics invest heavily in state-of-the-art facilities that utilize advanced technology to ensure accurate diagnosis, planning, and execution of implant treatments.

Case Studies Show Success Rates

Numerous case studies have shown that dental implants placed in Turkish clinics have success rates comparable to those placed in other countries. For example, a study published in Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research found that implants placed at a Turkish clinic had a success rate of 97.5% after five years, which is similar to the success rates reported in other countries.

Cost of Dental Implants in Turkey

Affordable dental implants are hard to come by, especially for those who live in countries where healthcare is expensive. Fortunately, Turkey has become a popular destination for dental tourism due to the country’s lower labor and operational costs. The cost of dental implants in Turkey is significantly cheaper compared to other countries, with prices ranging from $500 to $1,500 per implant.

Why Are Dental Implants Cheaper in Turkey?

The lower cost of dental implants in Turkey can be attributed to the country’s low labor and operational costs. The government supports dental tourism by offering incentives such as tax breaks and subsidies for dental clinics that cater to foreign patients. This support has led to an increase in the number of dental clinics that offer high-quality services at affordable prices.

Despite the lower cost, patients who opt for dental implants in Turkey still receive high-quality materials and advanced technology for their procedures. Turkish dentists use state-of-the-art equipment and follow strict safety protocols to ensure that their patients receive top-notch care.

Savings on Dental Implants

Patients who choose to get their dental implants done in Turkey can save up to 70% of the total cost compared to getting the same procedure done in the US or Europe. For example, a single implant can cost up to $5,000 or more in some parts of Europe or North America. In contrast, a patient can get a single implant done for as low as $500-$1,500 per implant in Turkey.

In addition to saving money on the actual procedure itself, patients can also enjoy savings on travel expenses when they visit Turkey for their treatment. The country offers affordable accommodations and transportation options which make it easy for patients from all over the world to access quality healthcare at an affordable price.

Final Thoughts

Risks and Realities of Getting Dental Implants in Turkey

Real Risks Associated with Getting Dental Implants in Turkey

Infection, nerve damage, and implant failure are real risks associated with getting dental implants in Turkey. These risks can be increased if the dental clinic does not follow proper sterilization procedures or if the dentist is not experienced in performing implant surgeries. Infection is a common risk that can occur after any surgical procedure, including dental implant surgery. The risk of infection can be minimized by ensuring that the clinic follows proper sterilization procedures and using antibiotics as prescribed by the dentist.

Nerve damage is another potential risk associated with getting dental implants in Turkey. Nerve damage can occur during the placement of the implant or during the healing process. This can result in numbness or tingling sensations in the mouth or face. While rare, nerve damage can be permanent and may require further treatment to correct.

Implant failure is also a real risk associated with getting dental implants in Turkey. Implant failure occurs when the implant does not properly fuse with the jawbone, resulting in instability and discomfort. Factors that may contribute to implant failure include poor oral hygiene, smoking, and certain medical conditions such as diabetes.

Language Barriers and Cultural Differences

Patients should also be aware of potential language barriers and cultural differences that may impact their overall experience and ability to communicate effectively with their dentist. Communication is key to ensuring that patients receive appropriate care before, during, and after their procedure. Patients who do not speak Turkish should ensure that they choose a clinic where English-speaking staff are available to assist them.

Choosing a Reputable Dental Clinic

It is important for patients to thoroughly research and choose a reputable dental clinic with experienced and qualified dentists to minimize these risks. Patients should look for clinics that have been accredited by international organizations such as Joint Commission International (JCI) or have received certification from local authorities such as the Turkish Ministry of Health.

In addition to accreditation and certification, patients should also consider the qualifications and experience of the dentists who will be performing their procedure. Patients should look for dentists who have received specialized training in implant surgery and have a proven track record of successful procedures.

Crowns vs Veneers: Differences and Why Turkey Prefers Crowns

Crowns and veneers are two popular options that can improve the appearance of teeth. However, there are significant differences between them in terms of their purpose, durability, and suitability for different types of dental issues. In Turkey, crowns are often preferred over veneers for full mouth restorations due to their superior protection and longevity.

Crowns Cover the Entire Tooth

One key difference between crowns and veneers is the amount of coverage they provide. Crowns cover the entire tooth, while veneers only cover the front surface. This means that crowns offer more comprehensive protection against decay or damage than veneers do. For patients with severely damaged or decayed teeth, crowns may be a better option as they can restore both function and aesthetics.

Veneers Are Ideal for Minor Cosmetic Issues

On the other hand, veneers are ideal for those with minor cosmetic issues such as chipped or discolored teeth. They require less preparation than crowns since only a thin layer of enamel needs to be removed before placement. Veneers also offer a natural-looking solution for those who want to improve the appearance of their smile without undergoing extensive dental work.

Crowns Offer Better Durability

Another advantage of crowns over veneers is their durability. Crowns are made from materials such as porcelain or ceramic that can withstand normal wear and tear better than composite resin used in veneer fabrication. With proper care and maintenance, crowns can last up to 15 years or longer compared to about 10 years for veneers.

Natural Look and Feel

While both crowns and veneers can improve the appearance of teeth, many patients prefer crowns because they offer a more natural look and feel. This is because crown materials can mimic the shape and color of natural teeth more effectively than composite resin used in veneers. Crowns can also be customized to match the surrounding teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Why Turkey Prefers Crowns

In Turkey, crowns are often preferred over veneers for full mouth restorations due to their superior protection and longevity. Turkish dentists place a strong emphasis on preventive care and long-term solutions that can save patients time and money in the long run. Crowns offer a more comprehensive solution for restoring damaged or decayed teeth while providing lasting protection against future damage.


In conclusion, dental implants in Turkey can be a great option for those who are looking for better quality and affordable dental care. However, it is important to check the credentials of the dentist and clinic before undergoing the process. It is also important to consider factors such as bone density, complications, and future success rate.

While there may be risks associated with getting dental implants in Turkey, such cases are rare and can be mitigated by choosing a reputable clinic and dentist. Moreover, getting dental implants in Turkey can also provide an opportunity for a nice holiday while undergoing the process.