About Us

Welcome to Top Routes, your ultimate guide to discovering the wonders of Turkey! Our mission is to provide you with insightful travel guides, tips, and advice to help you plan the perfect trip to this enchanting country. Founded by Davut, a passionate traveler and Turkey enthusiast, Top Routes has evolved into a comprehensive resource for those who seek to immerse themselves in Turkey’s rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant culture.

Here at Top Routes, we cover a wide range of topics to cater to your travel needs. Whether you’re looking for the perfect 7-day adventure from Istanbul to Bodrum, seeking information on the best dental clinics in Antalya, or exploring the benefits of dental tourism in Turkey, we’ve got you covered. Our extensive content is carefully curated and updated regularly to ensure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information for your travels.

In addition to providing valuable travel guides and tips, Top Routes also delves into the cultural aspects of Turkey. Discover the history and significance of Turkish baths, also known as hammams, or embark on a romantic journey to the best holiday destinations for couples in Turkey. We believe that understanding the local customs and traditions is an essential part of any travel experience, and we strive to provide you with the necessary knowledge to fully appreciate Turkey’s unique blend of European, Asian, and Islamic influences.

Moreover, Top Routes is dedicated to making your trip planning as seamless as possible. Our website offers detailed guides on topics such as Bosphorus ferry ticket prices and what to wear in Turkey as a woman, ensuring that you are well-prepared for your journey. We also encourage our readers to subscribe and stay connected with us for the latest updates on all things Turkey.

In conclusion, Top Routes is your one-stop destination for all your Turkey travel needs. We are committed to helping you create unforgettable memories and experience the very best that this magical country has to offer. So, join us in our journey and start exploring the wonders of Turkey.